Countless people have covered this subject before, but after trying this blogging thing for a few months, I thought it important to ask myself, "Why am I doing this?", and, appropriately, put those thoughts into a blog.
I've noticed that numerous thoughts and ideas enter my head every day about almost any subject. Occasionally, one of those is actually useful and I try to make a mental note to contemplate that later. Of course, as one would expect, the thought vanishes almost as quickly as you tell yourself to make that note. This is where the blogging comes in.
I think of blogging like I do a dream journal. They say you can never remember your dreams (and begin the rich process of figuring out what they tell you about the skeletons in your closet), unless you jot them down on a notepad.
Blogging about my thoughts and ideas, regardless of whether I have an audience, is a tremendous focusing exercise. It helps you make concise what might otherwise be a series of incoherent, disconnected concepts, because you never know, someone might actually be paying attention to all of your babbling.
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